Sunday, April 23, 2017

It's Complicated

Complicated relationships. The bane of some people's exsistence. No, not with people if that's what you're thinking. This one's with an object not a person. I have a love-hate relationship with school. I love most of my teachers. *cough Some more than others, but there are some people that I cannot stand. Gah! They don't use proper grammar, which is a given for Pete's sake. I mean you're in school. Then they don't even try to get good grades. Listen to their reasoning. "Middle school doesn't matter. It's highschool what counts." Hello are you serious? The way you act now, the way you get things done and organize yourself will carry into highschool. And if you aren't doing well now? Sorry should've tried when you could've. My thought process is if you fall into a hole, when it's raining, it's going to be hard to dig yourself out. And then things will be piling and piling up and you are going to have work twice as hard. Why don't you just walk around the hole?

Now teachers... tsk tsk tsk. What will I do about most of you. The homework is decent sometimes decent. When every teacher gives a solid 30 minutes of homework, you're basically screwed. We all have things to do after school and 2 hours of homework was not something I was looking forward to, let alone having the time to do it. But it's usually okay. I guess. But to be completely honest, I'll seriously miss every one of them. They were the ones who connected every lesson in my mind, and basically... taught me everything. To make an analogy, they are the mortar in my brick wall of a brain. Not saying I'm simpleminded or anything, I just sort of liked that analogy. So what are your love-hate relationships? It doesn't have to include people by the way. It could be about your stuffed giraffe Jerry for all I care.

1 comment:

  1. My love-hate friendship is with you. You are a great friend, but I hate when you say I "look at you weird..." Just kidding, you know I play around with you. XD
