Sunday, April 30, 2017

The beginning of writing literature is the actual worst.

It's hard to write the beginning of a story, paragraph, essay, etc. Well at least for me it is. I always have a hard time writing a beginning to something but what makes it the worst possible thing ever is writing the beginning sentence. I don't understand what about it trips me up- and maybe causes me to procrastinate beyond belief (Sofia don't come for me)- but my brain just does not want to cooperate. Let me give you an example.
Me: Hello thing in my head that literally keeps me functioning like a normal human being, can you please just stop thinking of anything else other than this essay.
Brain: Oh you mean that essay that's due tomorrow? Hilarious because I think not. How about we do something completely irrelevant like make your bed 3 times in order to procrastinate?
Me (because I have no control): That's going to help me. Sure!

See what I mean. Now getting this essay done is going to take some serious brain training and a lot of time. Anyways, if I can get the first sentence done the rest is easy but until then it's like fighting a battle in my head, against my brain in order to work. Fun. Speaking of that essay, this is currently a distraction in order to avoid it. So I better be going. 🎶I'm off to write an essay, a terrible essay at that🎶