The Art of Procrastination. Easy to master, hard to beat. Now there are different ranges of procrastinators. The couple-minutes (which only procrastinate for a few minutes and then actually work) and the last-minutes (which do their work at the last moment possible.) There are a couple of people that are in between this range which, usually most people fall in. Now I on the other hand, am at the brink of being a last-minute, which is dreadfully scary considering the work that needs to be done at this point in the school year. Essays, research, the whole shabang. Okay so, if you read up until this point and are completely oblivious to what I'm talking about- even though I basically told you what this is- this is the definition of procrastinate.
To procrastinate means, to put off something, or to delay/ postpone an action. And if you still don't understand please leave. Yes. Now. Back to what I was saying. Now I procrastinate, who doesn't? But sometimes it's bad. Like I'll make my bed three times just so I don't have to do something. Pathetic yes. But hey you can't control your brain. At least I think not. You know what would be helpful? A list of what to do to stop procrastinating. I'll love you if you blog about this. Anyways, moral of this story don't procrastinate. Well if you do, don't do it for too long.
This is one of my favorite memes ever.