As you could tell by the title, this is going to be a rant post. But not just any rant post, this is something all people STUDENTS and TEACHERS with common sense and a brain want to scream or groan, or show some sort of displeasure when talked about. This is the PARCC test.
PARCC testing is the epitome of the idiocy of standardized testing. People are brilliant in different ways, and the PARCC testing just locks people up, and tests them in things they may not be that talented in. What PARCC stands for is Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. But what everyone in school knows it as is (and this is by the right definition, I don't know who made that acronym), torture, torture, irrelevant, oh and did I say TORTURE.
This is the definition of torture.
Reading a story that is oh so engaging, and then answering questions where even the answers don't make sense, or if they decide to add extra chocolate sprinkles the PARCC ice cream, the right answer isn't the right answer. That is the logic of PARCC. The answer that makes the most sense and has a high level of thinking involved is wrong, because the answer needs to be dumbed-down and made simple for those that, *cough, aren't at the brain capacity of a normal human being.
In class we were reading essays that were on a PARCC test from the previous years and some of them were scored fairly but OTHERS, others were probably not even read. One of the essays made sense with the fable and was a pretty good length. Yeah they made some mistakes but who doesn't? Anyways that essay got a 2 or 3 from what I remember. Now, there was an essay that was 1 long run-on sentence, that barely made sense, and it got a... FOUR. What the actual heck? HOW, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW? As you can see, the PARCC Test is so irrelevant because it is not graded fairly at all if it's even read. So people, students, teachers, don't stress yourself out, because this test isn't worth it. Maybe if it actually made sense, THEN stress yourself out. But not for this. Plus, I don't think that the people making the test have a brain, or common sense, or a SOUL, or read their own work. You got this. I promise.